Looking For an Authentic NY Slice? Look No Further than Buona Pizza in Scranton

Buona pizza (pronounce BUA-NA to the locals) is a no-nonsense, cut to the chase lunch spot on Lackawanna Avenue near the Steamtown Mall in Scranton. I walked in one evening for a quick dinner on the run, asked for “2 cuts and a drink” and within 2 minutes I was seated at my 1970’s bright orange booth eating my pizza. The business is longstanding in the area, and beloved by many.

This traditional thin crust New York style pizza is quite tasty, and has a lot of flavor resonating from the well seasoned sauce. I detect a healthy amount of oregano and granulated garlic in the sauce which really flavors the whole pie. The cheese is also very tasty, of a decent quality, and isn’t too salty. The crust was my favorite part, as it was crispy, cooked to perfection, and had a nice flavor and consistency. Overall, the pizza didn’t knock my socks off, but it was fast, flavorful, and I was done with dinner within minutes of walking through the door. I’d recommend this as a great lunch spot for anyone in the downtown area. I don’t think I’d classify Buona as a family dinner spot, but you can judge for yourself. Give it a try!

  • Restaurant: Buona Pizza
  • Location: 504 Lackawanna Ave, Scranton, PA 18503
  • Date: May 2024
  • Pizza Ordered: New York Style Cheese Pizza
  • Eat In/Take Out: Eat In
Rating CategoryRating Score
Crispy/Cooked Properly7.8
Overall Rating7.9
Rating of Buona Pizza New York Style Cheese Pizza

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